Who is Lelliefish...


I'm Lellie (she/her). I'm the artist behind Lelliefish Art & Craft. You might be wondering about the origins of the name "Lelliefish",  simply put, Lellie is my nickname and...I love fish. Goldfish specifically! So that's where the name comes from.

I'm an Australian based artist, hailing from the Perth area of Western Australia. I've been creating since I could hold a pencil, like many creatives. I like to  call myself a  chaotic creative critter!... as I like to dabble in many mediums, experiment with different styles and  just generally make things...a lot!

Being creative is a huge part of who I am as a person. I'd feel stumped if I couldn't  make things on a regular basis. When I was a toddler my mother would share her canvases  with me when she made art  and I think it was with her encouragement, as well as some others in my family at the time, that help me grow into the art and craft loving person I am today.


Where do you get your inspiration/ideas?

The main things I like to draw/paint are eyes and spirals, I'm not sure why but I'm  drawn to them. You will often find me drawing them when I don't know what else to draw. I'll draw them at a start of a piece to get things going (especially spirals), or incorporate them in my pieces in different ways. Eyeball flowers for example. 

Other than that, I just generally like to experiment and draw all the things. I get very inspired by music and things around me, things I see. I also have an extensive Pinterest board collection of things and art books to bounce ideas off. 

These days I like to make things with a lot of colour and "weird" or different topics. Things that somewhat stretch reality.  You won't find me drawing realism  - I appreciate the art style, but I like to put a spin on things. 

Did you go to art school?

No, but I did do some art subjects in school. I've mainly learnt what I know now through just generally being interested in making things, doing my own research, experimenting and lots of practice. 

How do you deal with drawing when you have an essential tremor?

I just do really, I don't know much different. Some days are not as bad as others. There's days where I refuse to draw because my tremor is really bad and other days where I embrace the wobbly lines and random marks,  and sometimes I'm not shaking too too bad at all. Depends on a lot of factors as to whether or not I will embrace or avoid the shakes but I try my best to push through.  Oh! and kicking up the stabilisation on brushes in digital art programs helps for sure!  

Side note - I find embroidery is one of my hardest creative mediums because of the tremor. It's very fiddly and I struggle a bit with it, but I do generally enjoy it - maybe more the result than the process. I guess that's why don't embroider as often as I dabble in other mediums.

What mediums do you like?

All sorts! The more regular ones are listed below but I have also dabbled in photography, lino printing, screen printing, bleach spray on clothing, handmade jewellery... the list goes on!

Favourite tools to create with?

As for traditional art supplies I like to use all sorts of different pens, pencils, markers etc but here are a few of my top favourite ones...

Digital art tools...

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